The snow is piling up. Contact the Maintenance officer to arrange for your volunteer work to help with snow removal.  We need a list to work from to make sure that every storm is covered.  In between, each time you go to the range, schedule a little extra time and do a little cleanup.  If everyone does a little, it will be lite work for everyone.

Plan ahead for brass pick up.  You know how it disappears in the snow so lay down a tarp, old blanket, or painters cloth to help with recovering all the brass.  It will save you time too.  If there is a coating of snow, you can also brush it away BEFORE you start shooting, that helps in two ways, snow removal and policing brass.

If you enter the clubhouse, make sure the doors are shut tight and locked when you leave.  Also, see that the heating system is still set to Min. Heat.  That should keep it at 50 degrees F.  It is the best temp to keep it economically and to warm up the room for meetings and such.  Lower than 50 F. takes too long to heat up, higher than 50 F. cost more than necessary.  It is also helpful to start a fire in the wood stove if you are knowledgeable and can do it safely.

If it is icy, put down some sand/salt from the container out back near the 25 yard range.  If you have the ability to do it, think of how it would help out members who do not.  It may just save an injury.

Winter is a great time to enjoy the ranges.  Don’t despair, the days are getting longer every day.

Friendly reminders from your VP, Nelson Frost.