Monthly Meeting

Our July Monthly meeting will be on the 12th at 7 pm. 

Members and their guests welcome.

This is the final meeting when the combination changes.  Please have your renewals paid up. After the meeting, all unpaid memberships will go to the end of the waiting list.  Contact for information on how to renew online.  If you did not get an email reminder, we do not have your current email address.  It is your responsibility to keep your information up to date.

Pandemic Temporary Restrictions.

Limit the number of people on site to 5 Maximum.

Observe distancing of at least 6 feet from anyone not in your immediate family.

Sanitize anything you touch at the range before and after use.

Wash your hands with soap and water or sanitize regularly.

Please keep visits short to allow others to use the range.

If you feel ill or have a fever, do not visit the Club.

Check regularly for changes to these restrictions.

Thank you for your help in keeping our members well.